[Please note: the Westchester committee has not officially constituted. To connect with members in the area, visit the Green Party of the Bronx & Westchester facebook page at www.facebook.com/groups/bronxgreens/]
Green Party Links
Green Party of New York State: http://www.web.gpnys.com/ Green Party of the United States: http://www.gp.org/ Green Party Film Event in Northern Westchester The Green Party invited area members and other concerned individuals to a viewing of “Scarred Lands and Ruined Lives, The Environmental Footprint of War on Saturday, September 21 at the Cyrus Russell Community House in Cross River (Town of Lewisboro). This important new film delves into an issue which lies at the confluence of two of the greatest concerns of our time. It stimulated some very productive discussion on party building, and we may have picked up a few new members and who knows, maybe a future candidate. |